Charity Alive — February 2025
Charity Alive – February 2025
In this issue of Charity Alive the focus [...]
Charity Alive – December 2024
In this issue of Charity Alive the focus [...]
Charity Alive — October 2024
Charity Alive – October 2024
In this issue of Charity Alive the focus is on the Ministry of Prayer. The topic is as multifaceted as there are people who engage in it.
Charity Alive — March 2024
Charity Alive – March 8, 2024 — Ministry of Prayer
In this issue of Charity Alive the focus is on the Ministry of Prayer. The topic is as multifaceted as there are people who engage in it.
Charity Alive — December 2023
Charity Alive – December 2023 — Ministry of the Arts
Over the past 175 years the Sisters of Charity [...]
Charity Alive — November 2023
Charity Alive – November 2023
This issue of Charity Alive highlights some of [...]
Charity Alive — August 2023
Charity Alive – August 2023
This issue of Charity Alive highlights some of the many of [...]
Charity Alive — June 2023
Assembly 2023
In this issue of Charity Alive, we have asked some of our writers to recapture the Assembly experience from their perspectives.
Bridge Group 2023 Assembly
We met as a whole once again on the afternoon of June 1st, taking advantage of the free afternoon before the start of Assembly 2023.
Associate Assembly Meeting 2023
The best way to describe our Associate gathering on June 2nd is to celebrate it as our first Hybrid Associate Gathering: “Zoom and In-person”.
“Western Wine and Chat” Celebrations
Westerners gathered on Zoom to celebrate jubilees, and other honours
Sustainable Eating
What we eat matters. Each persons’ choices makes a difference.
From the Archives — Immaculata Hospital
The Sisters founded Immaculata Hospital in rural Westlock, Alberta at the beginning of what would be a time of expansion in the community under Mother Mary Louise Meahan.
Charity Alive — March 2023
Women Working Together
As you read the articles in this month’s Charity Alive we hope that these will just be the beginning of sharing your own experiences of this gift of love revealed in community.
The Wellesley Connection — What Potential!
“It is pure potential. Every ball or skein of yarn holds something inside it, and the great mystery of what that might be can be almost spiritual.”
Collaboration is the Answer, Within and Without
Vancouver Collective against Sexual Exploitation is a non-partisan group of diverse individuals and organizations united as a single voice to end all forms of sexual exploitation.
When looked at from a global perspective, remedies seem daunting. Yet, when focused on individual choices, small things do make a difference. Sustainability calls each of us to think globally but act very locally.
From the Archives — Sisters helping Sisters
In sharing the history of the congregation, the ministries in education, orphanages, and social services are often highlighted. In this article, I wanted to share ministries within the congregation – Sisters helping Sisters.
Charity Alive — December 2022
Bringing light into darkness
The soft darkness of winter night helps us to recall our communal gatherings, our contemplative prayer, our care for each other.
Renewal of Vows and Commitment
On December 7, 2022, the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception we joined together (via zoom) as members and associates in a prayer service to renew our vows and commitment.
Christmas Cards
As the Christmas season approaches, we are filled with gratitude for the many benefactors who have joined us in giving Joyful Witness through gifts in 2022.
From the Archives — Christmas Crèches
Photos and traditions of Christmas crèches, or cribs
Charity Alive — November 2022
We share a few of the heartwarming stories from our benefactors. You will read of their inspiration to serve and share in our joyful witness to love.
Art Walk
Art Walk, Season 1 (see videos below) is an online presentation of some of the works of art done by Sisters of Charity, former sisters and associates over the years.
SOAR — Fundraising Dinner
Sister Maryann Seton Lopiccolo was awarded the Victor Yanitelli SJ Award in honor of her service at the Diocese of Brooklyn as Episcopal Delegate for Religious for 40 years.
Mystical Wisdom: Following Spirits Becoming – LCWR Conference 2022
The Leadership Conference of Religious Women (LCWR) held its annual assembly in person for the first time since 2019. More than 700 members attended this gathering in St. Louise from August 9 - 12, 2022, four of whom were from the Sisters of Charity Halifax leadership team.
Bursting With Pride at ATRI
I have often been proud to be a Sister of Charity of Halifax. Sometimes it was because of a prophetic and courageous stance on a serious issue. Most often, it was because of the witness to the charism of charity in the life and ministry of individual Sisters.
From the Archives — In Celebration of the Art Walk
Highlighting four Sister artists from our Congregation’s history.
Charity Alive — August 2022
What an Accomplishment! St. John’s Bread and Life: 1982 – 2022
Since the early 2000’s, 12 of us have been present at Bread and Life. Its mission and ours resonate.
Centro Corazón de María [Heart of Mary Center] Celebrates 20 Years
A spectacular balloon sculpture, music, two artisanal cakes, but most important of all, about 150 friends old and new marked the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Centro Corazón de María, the ministry to the Latino community in Hampton Bays, New York.
Ebony Etchings
I invite each of you to join me in my exploration of my home space, my heart space, my God space where I live my truth as an African Nova Scotian woman and a member of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul, Halifax.
Associate Retreat May 2022
A sense of peace and serenity welcomed fellow Long Island/Queens Associates Betty Erdos, Helen Ogden, Mickey Madden, Ann Masters and me when we arrived at the tranquil and cozy house on the eastern bay for the weekend of May 20–22, 2022.
Book Review: White Privilege, Black Struggle in U.S. Religious Congregations
“Subversive Habits” is a clever title, but the subtitle that scholar Shannen Dee Williams chooses for her superb book states her theme much more cogently: ‘Black Catholic Nuns in the Long African American Freedom Struggle.”
From the Archives — What’s in a name?
The inspiration for this article came from a recent delve into the history of one of the most inquired about teachers in the community, Sister Marie Clotilde Douglas.
Charity Alive — April 2022
Assembly 2022
There was excitement in the air. The preparations were done. The cloud technology held the livestreaming capacity ready. The sending off of the Halifax bus, carpools from Wellesley, various New York Toyotas wending their way up Route 95 to Boston, short trips, long air flights, all culminating in hugs and cheers, and a sigh of relief. We were finally together again.
Bridging the Future Meeting
It was, simply put, a blessing to be together. This was our third meeting and most would agree, our best.
Book Review: Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
As the cover of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents states: this book is a beautifully written, original, revealing story of people and history, in which Isabelle Wilkerson examines the unspoken caste system that has shaped America. She links the caste systems of America, India and Nazi Germany. The book was an eye-opener.
From the Archives — Auntie and the Orphan: The Story of Sisters Maria Felicitas Gee and Elizabeth Seton Belwood
I’m always fascinated by the early Sisters and their lives in community before 1900. How did women find out about the Sisters of Charity, a relatively new and growing congregation? As I looked more into the history of Sister Maria Felicitas, I was surprised to find the touching story of how two Anglican British-born women ended up as Sisters of Charity-Halifax.
Charity Alive — February 2022
Climate Change
Climate Crisis! Climate Change! Climate Events: Flooding, Droughts, Catastrophic global fires! Have you noticed how frequently we are hearing and seeing these words across our computer screens, newspapers and on our TVs? It would seem that these frequent devastating events are becoming the norm instead of the exception in our daily lives. As we take all this in, we shake our heads in disbelief at the destruction of people’s lives and homes. We pray. We feel anguish at the loss of forests, wildlife and natural beauty. We ponder the societal, spiritual and economic ramifications of each climate catastrophe. How will people continue on? Can the forest come back to life? Because of the devastating loss of numbers, will this species go extinct and never be seen again?
Songs of Great Love and Beauty in El Salvador – amidst current struggles
If I could see clearly enough through the doorway of my heart, with its profound gratitude for this journey and the moments that moved me deeply, I would want to tell you something wonderful.
Visit to Water Projects in Las Minas and La Palma in the Department of Chalatenango, El Salvador
“Bienvenidas Hermanas de la Caridad! The love of God is demonstrated through your solidarity with us in friendship.”
Podcasts, Anyone?
Recently I have been made aware of the beauty of podcasts. This is what I’ve discovered so far.
From the Archives — Walking in a Winter Wonderland
As we are part way through a dark and stormy Halifax winter, I wanted to cheer up with some lighthearted snowy scenes from our audiovisual collection.
Charity Alive — November 2021
Charity Alive November 2021 – Together
Introduction By Sister Kati Hamm This [...]
Charity Moving Forward – Introduction
Charity Moving Forward - Introduction By Sister Joan [...]
Charity Moving Forward ~ July 16 – July 18, 2021
This month's edition of Charity Alive takes a look at Joyful Witness With Every Breath - Past, Present and Future.
Racial Equity: A Personal Call to Love as Christ Loves
A goal of the conference was to have us examine our personal histories and to identify how these influence the ways we resist or reinforce racism. Another goal sought to strengthen the collective input of the FAMVIN by seeking opportunities for service and systemic change.
Book Review – Ministry for the Future
Ministry for the Future: A Novel, by Kim Stanley [...]
Charity Alive November 2021 – From the Archives
This month's edition of Charity Alive takes a look at Joyful Witness With Every Breath - Past, Present and Future.
O Holy Night
O Holy Night By Sister Susan Smolinsky It was [...]
Charity Alive November 2021 – Joyful Witness to Love Our Christmas Appeal
Joyful Witness to Love: Our Christmas Appeal By Carrie [...]
Charity Alive — October 2021
Charity Alive October 2021 – Living Simply
In this month's Charity Alive we reflected on living simply
Global Inequalities
Global Inequalities By Sister Marie Elena Dio The multiple [...]
The Climate Crisis
The Climate Crisis By Sister Mary Ann Connolly I [...]
We Are Willing. We Are Open.
We Are Willing. We Are Open. [...]
Charity Speaks Launch
Charity Speaks Launch By Mary Flynn, Congregational Archivist After [...]
Book Review: Climate: A New Story by Charles Eisenstein
CLIMATE: A NEW STORY by Charles Eisenstein (North Atlantic [...]
Water Appeal – Donor Relations
Our Commitment to Clean Water Continues By Carrie Flemming [...]
Charity Alive — August 2021
Charity Alive August 2021 – Joyful Witness With Every Breath
This month's edition of Charity Alive takes a look at Joyful Witness With Every Breath - Past, Present and Future.
The Collaborated Quilt
I knew I could swing a hammer or a paint brush, but sewing a quilt?!
Book Review – Think Again: the Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know
I recommend this book because it helps us look more carefully at what kind of conversations divide us
Charity Alive — June 2021
This month’s edition of Charity Alive invites us to consider how life is emerging in us as we see light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel.
Hearing from our Sisters in Belize and Peru
Sisters Kerry Rowland and Martha Loo
Associates Gather in New York
Associates gather in Long Island, NY as COVID-19 restrictions ease
The “Soul Nerve” is Key to Healing
Book review "My Grandmother's Hands"
Matthew 25 Moment
All those hungry, thirsty, wounded, bare, lonely, imprisoned hands ... the hands of God that reached out, touched and held my hands on one simple summer afternoon.
From the Archives – New Birth: The Story of the Coburg Road “Baby Home”
The newly purchased building, sometimes called the “Baby Home,” was dedicated to caring for pregnant patients and newborns.
Charity Alive — April 2021
Contemplating Our Chapter Statement
This month's theme encourages us to take a deeper look at our Chapter Statement and who inspires us.
From Violent to Violet – a Way to Protest
Sister Cathy sews squares for the Violet Protest -- a project that aims to let American congressmen and congresswomen know that so many people support the core values of compassion, compromise, and country over corporate influence.
Book Review: A Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind by Harriet A. Washington
In her 2019 book A Terrible Thing to Waste: Environmental Racism and Its Assault on the American Mind, medical ethicist and writer Harriet A. Washington sheds light on the higher rates of environmental poisoning in communities of colour in the United States that have led to a decrease in IQ and an increase of health concerns, behavioural issues, and even crime.
Reflections of Mary Catherine Ceriani
Excerpt from the memorial reading presented at the funeral recently of a dear friend of the Sisters of Charity, Mary Ceriani
Spring brings hope of water flowing to more families in El Salvador
One year later, we are pleased to report that our second El Salvador project is now underway.
From the Archives
Inspiring Sister -- Sister Mary Emmanuel Sullivan, whose decades of work have laid a valuable foundation for Sisters of Charity – Halifax Congregational Archives.
Charity Alive — February 2021
Reflections on our Chapter Statement
Sisters Anne Harvey, Mary Beth Moore, Judith Park and Margaret Coppenrath reflect on the Chapter Statement that shapes the vision of our Congregation for the next six years.
A Post-Pandemic Church: Prophetic Possibilities
The 2020 Chapter call to “…embrace our own vulnerability, trust the presence of the Spirit …and commit ourselves to …care for one another…” had special meaning for me because it came in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as I was completing my third book on healing the Church from the wounds of the clergy sexual abuse crisis.
“To be or not to be” – or to Be Transformed!
If your heart is full of faith and still fearlessly open to exploring the energy of transformation of religious life (even if we have to pass through some forms of completion), then read on!
An Associate Story: The Circle of Charity
The path I am following today I believe was influenced by my connection to the Sisters of Charity. I started as a Palliative Care volunteer at our local hospital. I was invited to join the Hospice Board six years ago.
Compelled by Love, You Responded
Please continue to partner with us as we work to heal the wounds of the embittered, be peacemakers in troubled places, and bring the compassion of the One who calls us to those who need it most.
From the Archives
A common thread in the Congregational history and charism is responding to a call to serve those in need.
Charity Alive — November 2020
This month’s theme engages us with the theme of transition.
Introducing the Congregational Leadership Team, 2020 – 2026
Meet Sisters Joan Butler, Joan Dawber, Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick, Mary Lynn Flett and Mary Anne Foster.
Celebrating Nonagenarians
Celebrating our Sisters who are over 95 who have continuously evolved over their 7 decades of service and community within the congregation.
We Remember Them
From the 1890’s to the present day, some 1070 sisters of twenty-seven different religious communities taught, nursed, cared for the children, women and men of this Diocese. That included about 167 Sisters of Charity of Halifax.
Volunteering as Election Poll Workers in New York
Given the turmoil around the upcoming election and in the nation itself, Sister Roberta Kerins and I decided to make our contribution by volunteering to be poll workers.
“Come Walk With Me”
On this 200th Anniversary of Elizabeth Seton’s death and entrance into her beloved Eternity, she invites us to spend a few moments with her in the Valley of St. Joseph.
From the Archives
As the Sisters of Charity – Halifax embark on a new transition of leadership at the end of 2020, we’re looking back at another time of change in the community.
Support the mission of the Sisters of Charity this Christmas
There are many ways to make donations part of your Christmas giving this year.
Charity Alive — October 2020
Gratitude in a Time of COVID-19
What makes gratitude so important? Gratitude is an approach to life which recognizes everything as gift. It is a deeply Christian virtue, a recognition that life in all its aspects is not a right to be claimed but a gift to be received.
Season of Creation
Every year we familiarly celebrate the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter with their rich and reflective liturgies. Now, thanks to our ecumenical sisters and brothers we have been given an opportunity to celebrate a new liturgical season, the Season of Creation.
Celebrating our 90 year olds
This year, 2020, there are eight Sisters who are celebrating their 90th birthday.
Parks Canada declared the site of the former Shubenacadie Residential School a national historic site
The nomination was made by the co-chair of the Tripartite Culture and Heritage Working Committee of the Mi’kmaq-Nova Scotia-Canada Tripartite Forum on behalf of the survivors of the school and their families.
Associates Coming to Chapter
We have already been introduced to the first six in our August and September issue of Charity Alive. This month we would love to introduce the others.
From the Archives
Thanksgiving at St. Monica’s Convent, Middleton, NS, 1969.
Charity Alive — September 2020
Encountering Others
Have you noticed that often life happens when we’re planning other things? A collaborative article about our encounters with others.
Letters of Gratitude
Letters of gratitude to all who have sent donations for the ministry with the Venezuelan migrants in Chiclayo and La Victoria, Peru
Celebrating our 95 year olds
This year, 2020, there are three sisters who are celebrating their 95th birthday. We thought it might be good for you to meet them.
Get to know the Associates Attending Chapter
The next three issues of Charity Alive will include short introductions to Associates who are attending Chapter.
Elizabeth Seton’s Birthday
There is so much that we can hear if we really listen to Elizabeth because she walked many of the same paths as we do now, dependent on her God and loving friend.
Book Review
Choosing Earth, Humanity’s Great Transition to Mature Planetary Civilization, Duane Elgin
Charity Alive — August 2020
My View
A collaborative article of what we see, or have seen, outside our window.
Get to know the Associates Attending Chapter
The next three issues of Charity Alive will include short introductions to Associates who are attending Chapter.
Book Review
Viola Desmond’s Canada: A History of Blacks and Racial Segregation in the Promised Land (2016) by Graham Reynolds with Wanda Robson
Stay-At-Home Retreat
I faced the trees and listened to them praising God as they swayed in the wind. I biked on a shady road dappled by sunlight. I visited an exquisite garden, where a dizzying variety of trees and shrubs created a tapestry in multiple shades of green.
Celebrating Ubuntu.Lab
The celebration of their connectedness was palpable as Ubuntu Lab participants shared their enthusiasm and hope.
From the Archives
After 21 years of providing a welcoming space for thousands of people seeking peace and spiritual renewal, the last Sister left the House of Prayer in 1995.
Charity Alive — July 2020
Refreshing Springs, Living Waters
Not only the thirsty seek the water … The water as well seeks the thirsty (Rumi)
Excitement at Caritas – Our Sisters Are Coming Home!
There is great rejoicing in Caritas to see the sisters from Parkstone returned to live among us.
Nassau/Queens NY Associates
A Zoom meeting to give updates, offer support, and share laughter.
Masks for Wellesley
While looking for darning cotton for the young man's socks, I found out Joann's was giving out free kits for making masks.
Peru during Pandemic 2020
We asked S. Catherine Conroy to make contact with some of her friends and colleagues in Peru to see how they were faring during the time of Pandemic 2020.
Love Changes Everything
We stand with all those who seek justice and human dignity for all.
Charity Alive — June 2020
Forgive Us, God of Life, For We Know Not What We Do
The tragic death of George Floyd fills us with grief and pain. As we struggle to bring this event to prayer, words fail. And yet, we are called to respond, for we are responsible — “able to respond.”
No matter what else is happening try to remember the Class of 2020 graduates and if you can, party with them
We want to congratulate all in the class of 2020 wherever you are.
Gardens We Know and Love
Many people we know are garden people. They love to be part of the cycle of planting, nurturing, weeding, watering and harvesting (and sharing) from the fruits of their labour. Fruitfulness is a sign of the Spirit.
Marjie Rochon reflects on her role as a Care Liaison at Wellesley during COVID-19
From my home or Marillac office, I call Sisters each day to chat. I offer Zoom calls so we can stay in touch visually and coach Sisters on how to use Zoom.
Sister Maureen Wild Recommends On the Road with Francis of Assisi – a timeless journey through Umbria and Tuscany, and beyond (2005) by Linda Bird Francke
I was very happy to come across this book many months in advance of traveling - for my first time to Italy - to visit the lands of Francis of Assisi as an integral part of my sabbatical.
From the Archives — Gardens We Have Known and Loved
Photos from Mount Saint Vincent Motherhouse in Halifax, the Farm in Wellesley and Seton Academy in Vancouver.
Charity Alive — May 2020
Nova Scotia Strong
We keep hope alive knowing how blessed we have been by the prayers and love at home and all over the world.
How we are coming together during the pandemic
A parade, Zoom chats and in-person ministry. A glimpse at how we are coping during COVID-19.
Last Sister moves out of St Patrick Convent in Roxbury, MA
The last Sister of Charity leaves Saint Patrick Convent, Roxbury, our first mission in the United States.
Praying during the Pandemic at Mount Saint Vincent, Wellesley
The Lenten season was profoundly moving this year not only because it coincided with the Pandemic Coronavirus but also because of the reflections offered by Sisters Mary Ann Connolly and Judy Park.
From the Archives – North Sydney
The Sisters first started their health care ministry in North Sydney, NS at the Hamilton Memorial Hospital in 1908.
Charity Alive Newsletter
Charity Alive – Fall 2019
In this Issue of Charity Alive (Fall 2019): [...]
Charity Alive – Summer 2019
In this Issue of Charity Alive (Summer 2019): [...]
Commemorative Issue of Charity Alive — Spring 2019
In this Commemorative Issue of Charity Alive (Spring [...]
Charity Alive Winter 2019
In the Winter 2019 issue of Charity Alive: [...]
Charity Alive — Fall 2018
In this Fall 2018 Charity Alive: Assembly Golden [...]
Charity Alive Summer 2018
In the Summer 2018 issue of Charity Alive: [...]