Our Mission
To give joyful witness to love: the love of God, of one another, and of all persons.
Chapter Statement

Our Saints
Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac and Elizabeth Ann Seton

Vincent's Way
Vincentians believe that true religion is found among the poor, and that as we attend to their needs, they inspire us and evangelize us.

Seeking Change
We are in solidarity with those whom the world oppresses or excludes.

Do you share our Charism?

We Welcome You
Interested in joining us in mission as an Associate or volunteer?

Joyful Witness
Sisters and Associates share stories about their ministries.
Our Sisters currently serve in:
Our Sisters currently serve in:

Sisters of Charity Federation at the United Nations
Who are we to praise thee —
But we call on all thy creation to praise thee —
the birds of the air, the inhabitants of the earth, and the depths of the sea, the mountains
and the valleys, and whatever thou hast made to praise, to bless, to declare thy glory.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton