On Oct 13th, the Sisters of Charity and the Christian Communities of La Victoria, Cajamarca, Lima and Ilo celebrated 50 years of our arrival in Chiclayo, Oct 4th, 1968 to begin our mission of walking in solidarity and hope within the community of believers. The Christian Communities send greetings: With love and gratitude we celebrated 50 years of service and evangelizing mission of the Sisters of Charity in our Peruvian Church and people.
We thank God for your lives generously shared in La Victoria, Lima, Cajamarca and Ilo; for the bonds of friendship that unite us; and for so many fruits of fraternity, solidarity and commitment achieved on this journey, which today continue to be signs of life and hope in our people.
We remember with gratitude, and at the same time we pray that this time will be one of encouragement and renewal of faith and commitment in the face of today’s challenges in our reality. At the beginning of this year of celebration, we remember our dear friend Frank Hegel, SFM, who died on December 24, 2017 and thank God for all the love and effort he gave to the preparation of this Anniversary as a member of the committee.
On Dec 28th, it was so wonderful to experience the Christian Community of La Victoria united in a Celebration of Thanksgiving for his life and to witness his fidelity to Jesus and the poorest. His joy and blessing remain with us as we continue preparing for this celebration!
Meaning of Logo
THE FIRE: is the symbol of charity, love and the spirit of God that illuminates, guides and embraces the mission.
MAP OF PERU: The place of the mission, where we are called to share life, to assume a commitment, to transform and to be transformed and to take care of life.
PLANT: It is the life that is growing from the smallest, the simplest, the insignificant, the invisible … until it becomes a tree that gives the fruits that our life and our reality need.
COMMUNITY: We are called to follow Jesus in community, to promote the values of the Kingdom, and to join efforts for a more dignified and just life, especially for the poorest. The people represent Chiclayo, Cajamarca, Lima, Ilo, and the Sisters of Charity along with the missionaries of the Archdiocese of Halifax and Scarboro.
CROSS: Symbol of love and solidarity, expressed in the commitment to announce and defend life. The call to live the experience of Jesus’ love, with an active, liberating faith, incarnated and committed to the poorest.

EL FUEGO símbolo de la caridad, del amor y del espíritu de Dios que ilumina, que guía, y abraza la misión.
CRUZ: Símbolo de amor y solidaridad, expresados en el compromiso de anunciar y defender la vida. El llamado a vivir la experiencia del amor de Jesús, con una fe activa, liberadora, encarnada y comprometida con los más pobres.
COMUNIDAD: Somos llamados a seguir a Jesús en comunidad, a promover los valores del Reino, y unir esfuerzos por una vida más digna y justa especialmente para los más pobres. Las personas representan a Chiclayo, Cajamarca, Lima, Ilo, y a las Hermanas de la Caridad junto a los misioneros y misioneras de la Arquidiócesis de Halifax y Scarboro.
PLANTA: Es la vida que está creciendo desde lo más pequeño, lo más sencillo, lo insignificante, lo invisible… hasta convertirse en un árbol que da los frutos que nuestra vida y nuestra realidad necesitan.
MAPA DEL PERU: El lugar de la misión, donde somos llamadas/llamados a compartir la vida, asumir un compromiso, a transformar y ser transformadas. A cuidar la vida
Photos of the Celebration
Peru Celebration Committee
Peru Celebration Committee
Gladys Fernandez and members of the communities in La Victoria
Father Frank Hegel, SFM, Mark and Maritza Hathaway, Scarboro lay associates, Father Jim Richards, Archdiocese of Halifax
Sisters Kay Conroy, Mary Beth Moore, Martha Loo and Cecilia Hudec