Charity Alive — August 2020
My View
A collaborative article of what we see, or have seen, outside our window.
Get to know the Associates Attending Chapter
The next three issues of Charity Alive will include short introductions to Associates who are attending Chapter.
Book Review
Viola Desmond’s Canada: A History of Blacks and Racial Segregation in the Promised Land (2016) by Graham Reynolds with Wanda Robson
Stay-At-Home Retreat
I faced the trees and listened to them praising God as they swayed in the wind. I biked on a shady road dappled by sunlight. I visited an exquisite garden, where a dizzying variety of trees and shrubs created a tapestry in multiple shades of green.
Celebrating Ubuntu.Lab
The celebration of their connectedness was palpable as Ubuntu Lab participants shared their enthusiasm and hope.
From the Archives
After 21 years of providing a welcoming space for thousands of people seeking peace and spiritual renewal, the last Sister left the House of Prayer in 1995.
Charity Alive — July 2020
Refreshing Springs, Living Waters
Not only the thirsty seek the water … The water as well seeks the thirsty (Rumi)
Excitement at Caritas – Our Sisters Are Coming Home!
There is great rejoicing in Caritas to see the sisters from Parkstone returned to live among us.
Nassau/Queens NY Associates
A Zoom meeting to give updates, offer support, and share laughter.
Masks for Wellesley
While looking for darning cotton for the young man's socks, I found out Joann's was giving out free kits for making masks.
Peru during Pandemic 2020
We asked S. Catherine Conroy to make contact with some of her friends and colleagues in Peru to see how they were faring during the time of Pandemic 2020.
Love Changes Everything
We stand with all those who seek justice and human dignity for all.
Charity Alive — June 2020
Forgive Us, God of Life, For We Know Not What We Do
The tragic death of George Floyd fills us with grief and pain. As we struggle to bring this event to prayer, words fail. And yet, we are called to respond, for we are responsible — “able to respond.”
No matter what else is happening try to remember the Class of 2020 graduates and if you can, party with them
We want to congratulate all in the class of 2020 wherever you are.
Gardens We Know and Love
Many people we know are garden people. They love to be part of the cycle of planting, nurturing, weeding, watering and harvesting (and sharing) from the fruits of their labour. Fruitfulness is a sign of the Spirit.
Marjie Rochon reflects on her role as a Care Liaison at Wellesley during COVID-19
From my home or Marillac office, I call Sisters each day to chat. I offer Zoom calls so we can stay in touch visually and coach Sisters on how to use Zoom.
Sister Maureen Wild Recommends On the Road with Francis of Assisi – a timeless journey through Umbria and Tuscany, and beyond (2005) by Linda Bird Francke
I was very happy to come across this book many months in advance of traveling - for my first time to Italy - to visit the lands of Francis of Assisi as an integral part of my sabbatical.
From the Archives — Gardens We Have Known and Loved
Photos from Mount Saint Vincent Motherhouse in Halifax, the Farm in Wellesley and Seton Academy in Vancouver.
Charity Alive — May 2020
Nova Scotia Strong
We keep hope alive knowing how blessed we have been by the prayers and love at home and all over the world.
How we are coming together during the pandemic
A parade, Zoom chats and in-person ministry. A glimpse at how we are coping during COVID-19.
Last Sister moves out of St Patrick Convent in Roxbury, MA
The last Sister of Charity leaves Saint Patrick Convent, Roxbury, our first mission in the United States.
Praying during the Pandemic at Mount Saint Vincent, Wellesley
The Lenten season was profoundly moving this year not only because it coincided with the Pandemic Coronavirus but also because of the reflections offered by Sisters Mary Ann Connolly and Judy Park.
From the Archives – North Sydney
The Sisters first started their health care ministry in North Sydney, NS at the Hamilton Memorial Hospital in 1908.
Charity Alive — April 2020
When This Is Over
Covid 19, the pandemic, will end but the experience will continue to inform our memories, thoughts and behaviours for some time to come.
Federation Company of Charity Formation Personnel
Sisters Maryanne Ruzzo and Evelyn Williams along with our Associate Co-Coordinators Ann Masters and Carol Evans attended the Company of Charity Formation Personnel meeting in New York in early March.
El Salvador Water Project
The members of our Water Project committee, Mabel Najarro, Maureen Wild, Kay Conroy, Carrie Flemming, Cecilia Hudec and Maryanne Ruzzo, as well as all the Sisters, are thrilled that our first water project in Chalatenango, El Salvador is complete.
Regional Meetings
Regional Meetings brought together Sisters and Associates, from all over to reflect on Sister Peggy O'Neill's talk from the Federation Assembly last May.
From the Archives – Bermuda
At the request of Archbishop O’Brien, four Sisters departed Halifax on February 15th 1890 and arrived in Bermuda after four days at sea. On March 3rd, 1890, they opened Mount Saint Agnes Academy. The Sisters owned and operated the school until 1975, when they transferred ownership to the Diocese of Hamilton.