by Carrie Flemming, Donor Relations Coordinator
Thank you to all who sent donations in response to our Christmas Appeal this year. Your friendship and support is truly heartwarming. Together you donated over $60,000 to help us respond to the cries of the poor and vulnerable.
We are also excited at your response to our new Memorial and Special Intentions card packages. Since we launched last September, these cards have brought comfort of prayer to almost 400 people, and we have received over $24,000 in memory or honour of those you love. By using these cards, you share the power of prayer to the card recipient, but your gift also allows us to respond in love to those we serve. If you would like to request more card packages, click here.
We are filled with gratitude for these gifts, and remain ever mindful of the ongoing needs of our troubled world. Please continue to partner with us as we work to heal the wounds of the embittered, be peacemakers in troubled places, and bring the compassion of the One who calls us to those who need it most.
If you would like to add your support to our efforts, please visit or toll free 1-844-406-8114.