SCHalifax Archives #1432B Sisters and a guest having Thanksgiving at St. Monica’s Convent, Middleton, NS, 1969.
by Mary Flynn, Archivist
At the invitation of Father David Stokes, St. Monica’s Convent opened on August 27, 1969 in Middleton, NS. The Sisters’ ministries were teaching in local schools, parish work, catechism instruction, and visiting people at home and in the hospital. The Sisters’ work in the Annapolis Valley ended after more than a decade when the convent closed on July 30, 1980, due to a lack of personnel.
More Charity Alive – October 2020
Gratitude in a Time of COVID-19
What makes gratitude so important? Gratitude is an approach to life which recognizes everything as gift. It is a deeply Christian virtue, a recognition that life in all its aspects is not a right to be claimed but a gift to be received.
Season of Creation
Every year we familiarly celebrate the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter with their rich and reflective liturgies. Now, thanks to our ecumenical sisters and brothers we have been given an opportunity to celebrate a new liturgical season, the Season of Creation.
Celebrating our 90 year olds
This year, 2020, there are eight Sisters who are celebrating their 90th birthday.
Parks Canada declared the site of the former Shubenacadie Residential School a national historic site
The nomination was made by the co-chair of the Tripartite Culture and Heritage Working Committee of the Mi’kmaq-Nova Scotia-Canada Tripartite Forum on behalf of the survivors of the school and their families.
Associates Coming to Chapter
We have already been introduced to the first six in our August and September issue of Charity Alive. This month we would love to introduce the others.
From the Archives
Thanksgiving at St. Monica’s Convent, Middleton, NS, 1969.
Charity Alive – September 2020
Encountering Others
Have you noticed that often life happens when we’re planning other things? A collaborative article about our encounters with others.
Letters of Gratitude
Letters of gratitude to all who have sent donations for the ministry with the Venezuelan migrants in Chiclayo and La Victoria, Peru
Celebrating our 95 year olds
This year, 2020, there are three sisters who are celebrating their 95th birthday. We thought it might be good for you to meet them.
Get to know the Associates Attending Chapter
The next three issues of Charity Alive will include short introductions to Associates who are attending Chapter.
Elizabeth Seton’s Birthday
There is so much that we can hear if we really listen to Elizabeth because she walked many of the same paths as we do now, dependent on her God and loving friend.
Book Review
Choosing Earth, Humanity’s Great Transition to Mature Planetary Civilization, Duane Elgin
From the Archives
It is the active presence among the people that has real value.