Associates Gather in New York

Front row, l to r: Helen Ogden, Betty Erdos, Irene McCann, Barbara Wengler

Back row, l to r: Elena Miranda, Maureen Murphy, Aileen Halleran, Mickey Madden, Ann Masters, Maryann Seton Lopiccolo, Cathy Stare, Marie Harnett, Joan Dawber

For the first time since pre-C0VID days, Long Island/Queens New York associates gathered at the home of associate Ann Masters.  Our prayer, “We Are a Resurrection People,” truly reflected our joy in being with one another.  The afternoon was filled with prayer, music, conversation, laughter, poetry, and good food as associates and sisters delighted in the gathering.

More Charity Alive – June 2021


This month’s edition of Charity Alive invites us to consider how life is emerging in us as we see light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel.

Matthew 25 Moment

All those hungry, thirsty, wounded, bare, lonely, imprisoned hands ... the hands of God that reached out, touched and held my hands on one simple summer afternoon.

Charity Alive – April 2021

From Violent to Violet – a Way to Protest

Sister Cathy sews squares for the Violet Protest -- a project that aims to let American congressmen and congresswomen know that so many people support the core values of compassion, compromise, and country over corporate influence. 

From the Archives

Inspiring Sister -- Sister Mary Emmanuel Sullivan, whose decades of work have laid a valuable foundation for Sisters of Charity – Halifax Congregational Archives. 

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