Matthew 25 Moment

All those hungry, thirsty, wounded, bare, lonely, imprisoned hands ... the hands of God that reached out, touched and held my hands on one simple summer afternoon.

2021-06-16T14:21:27+00:00By |Comments Off on Matthew 25 Moment

From the Archives

Inspiring Sister -- Sister Mary Emmanuel Sullivan, whose decades of work have laid a valuable foundation for Sisters of Charity – Halifax Congregational Archives. 

2021-04-15T18:34:22+00:00By |Comments Off on From the Archives

An Associate Story: The Circle of Charity

The path I am following today I believe was influenced by my connection to the Sisters of Charity.  I started as a Palliative Care volunteer at our local hospital.  I was invited to join the Hospice Board six years ago.  

2021-02-11T19:25:02+00:00By |Comments Off on An Associate Story: The Circle of Charity

Compelled by Love, You Responded

Please continue to partner with us as we work to heal the wounds of the embittered, be peacemakers in troubled places, and bring the compassion of the One who calls us to those who need it most.

2021-02-10T18:24:09+00:00By |Comments Off on Compelled by Love, You Responded

From the Archives

A common thread in the Congregational history and charism is responding to a call to serve those in need.

2021-02-22T15:46:13+00:00By |Comments Off on From the Archives
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