About schalifax

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So far schalifax has created 365 blog entries.

My View

A collaborative article of what we see, or have seen, outside our window.

2020-09-02T00:45:34+00:00By |Comments Off on My View

Book Review

Viola Desmond’s Canada: A History of Blacks and Racial Segregation in the Promised Land (2016) by Graham Reynolds with Wanda Robson

2020-09-02T00:47:12+00:00By |Comments Off on Book Review

Stay-At-Home Retreat

I faced the trees and listened to them praising God as they swayed in the wind. I biked on a shady road dappled by sunlight. I visited an exquisite garden, where a dizzying variety of trees and shrubs created a tapestry in multiple shades of green.

2020-09-02T00:47:45+00:00By |Comments Off on Stay-At-Home Retreat

Celebrating Ubuntu.Lab

The celebration of their connectedness was palpable as Ubuntu Lab participants shared their enthusiasm and hope.

2020-09-02T00:48:13+00:00By |Comments Off on Celebrating Ubuntu.Lab

From the Archives

After 21 years of providing a welcoming space for thousands of people seeking peace and spiritual renewal, the last Sister left the House of Prayer in 1995.

2020-09-02T00:48:43+00:00By |Comments Off on From the Archives

Masks for Wellesley

While looking for darning cotton for the young man's socks, I found out Joann's was giving out free kits for making masks.

2020-08-04T17:08:50+00:00By |Comments Off on Masks for Wellesley
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