Book Review – Think Again: the Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know
I recommend this book because it helps us look more carefully at what kind of conversations divide us
I recommend this book because it helps us look more carefully at what kind of conversations divide us
“Loved and energized by the One who called (her),” Sister Judith Rollo, with a great love of the congregation and its mission, heard the cry of the poor in all its variations. She was a “dynamo,” as one priest colleague defined her.
Sister Marguerite started out as first grade teacher in New Jersey, USA and delighted teaching little ones, whom she loved. Later, Sister was involved in parish religious education in Amherst, Bridgewater, Dartmouth, Halifax, and Herring Cove. Her ministry also included spiritual development at Springhill Prison and participation in Diocesan Ministries including the New Beginnings Program. She ministered as Hospital Chaplain at the QEll Health Sciences Centre and was Community Leader at the Sisters of Charity Motherhouse Retirement Community, a ministry for which she is fondly remembered.
Loved and energized by the One who calls us, we hear the cries of those who suffer and trust the inspiration of the Spirit as we move forward together.
The Sisters of Charity Halifax and its Associates stand with the Cowessess First Nation as they learn of this discovery.
This month’s edition of Charity Alive invites us to consider how life is emerging in us as we see light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel.
Sisters Kerry Rowland and Martha Loo
Associates gather in Long Island, NY as COVID-19 restrictions ease
Book review "My Grandmother's Hands"
All those hungry, thirsty, wounded, bare, lonely, imprisoned hands ... the hands of God that reached out, touched and held my hands on one simple summer afternoon.