Sister Miriam Patrice McKeon
Sister Miriam Patrice McKeon, SC (Margaret Mary) of Mt. St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, on February 28, 2017. A Sister of Charity for 67 years who [...]
Sister Miriam Patrice McKeon, SC (Margaret Mary) of Mt. St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, on February 28, 2017. A Sister of Charity for 67 years who [...]
The Ward 5 Neighbourhood Centre and the Volunteer Doula Program, both in Halifax, NS, have benefi tted from the Congregation’s Ministry Fund grants, thanks [...]
by S. Patricia Proctor. I have always loved music, so when I entered and met Sister Teresa Campbell at St. Joseph Convent, I was [...]
SISTER MARIA DELOURDES SANTOS, SC (Sister Joseph Catherine) of Mt. St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, on February 25, 2017. A Sister of Charity for 71 years [...]
Nearing, Sister Florence Patrice, died in Caritas Residence in Halifax, NS on February 17, 2017, one week shy of her 101st birthday. Born in Dominion, [...]
SISTER DOROTHY LeCAM, SC (Sister Frances Rosaire) of Mt. St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, on February 13, 2017. A Sister of Charity for 71 years who [...]
SISTER EVELYN CLAIRE QUINLAN, SC (Claire Marie) of Mt. St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, on January 30, 2017. A Sister of Charity for 71 years who [...]
Sister Mary McGowan, SC (Sister Christopher Marie) of Mt. St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, on January 27, 2017. A Sister of Charity for 64 years who [...]
Eileen entered the Sisters of Charity – Halifax on September 8, 1960 and made her perpetual vows on August 15, 1968. Sister Eileen received a [...]