Gratitude in a Time of COVID-19
What makes gratitude so important? Gratitude is an approach to life which recognizes everything as gift. It is a deeply Christian virtue, a recognition that life in all its aspects is not a right to be claimed but a gift to be received.
Encountering Others
Have you noticed that often life happens when we’re planning other things? A collaborative article about our encounters with others.
Peru during Pandemic 2020
We asked S. Catherine Conroy to make contact with some of her friends and colleagues in Peru to see how they were faring during the time of Pandemic 2020.
Love Changes Everything
We stand with all those who seek justice and human dignity for all.
Forgive Us, God of Life, For We Know Not What We Do
The tragic death of George Floyd fills us with grief and pain. As we struggle to bring this event to prayer, words fail. And yet, we are called to respond, for we are responsible — “able to respond.”
Praying during the Pandemic at Mount Saint Vincent, Wellesley
The Lenten season was profoundly moving this year not only because it coincided with the Pandemic Coronavirus but also because of the reflections offered by Sisters Mary Ann Connolly and Judy Park.