Sister Bernadette Murphy
Her first ministry with the Sisters of Charity took her to Brooklyn, NY in 1957. There she served as housekeeper at Saint Sylvester Convent. She returned to Halifax in 1959. For 30 years, Sister Bernadette worked at Mount Saint Vincent Motherhouse in the Cafeteria. She was appointed Cafeteria Supervisor in 1972 and served in that capacity until 1989. Following her retirement, she continued to contribute to the quality of life at the Motherhouse, then at Caritas Residence by applying her talents where needed. Sister Bernadette was a skilled seamstress tending to the sewing needs of the community. She was mentored in the role of Sacristan while at the Motherhouse. When the Sisters moved to Caritas Residence, Sister Bernadette brought and upheld the Sacristans’ traditions and standards meticulously. She took great care and pride in everything she did, some even cited her work as perfection. Sister Bernadette’s quiet and gentle ways were her gifts. She was faithful, observant, kind and caring. She was very devoted to her chapel ministry. Sister Bernadette was also a cherished member of the Sisters of Charity choir for many years and loved music throughout her whole life.