About schalifax

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So far schalifax has created 365 blog entries.

Sister Mary Appollonia de Jong

Sister Appollonia entered the Sisters of Charity in 1942 and made her first profession in 1945. Sister worked for 27 years in a variety of internal ministries in Vancouver and Kelowna B.C., Havre Boucher, Amherst, Micmac, New Waterford N.S. as well as the Halifax Infirmary, Mount Saint Vincent College and the Motherhouse. Beginning in 1972 she ministered at St. Vincent Guest House as Sacristan and in the Activity Department until her retirement in 1995.

2018-07-11T19:20:00+00:00By |Comments Off on Sister Mary Appollonia de Jong

Sister Nora McDonald (Maria John)

Sister Nora entered the Sisters of Charity in 1951 and made her first profession in 1954. She taught school mainly in the Primary Grades in Rego Park, NY and at St. Stephen’s and St. Mary’s School in Halifax and St. Edmund’s, Winnipeg, Manitoba. On retiring from teaching she worked as a Home Support Worker which included Ministry to the Elderly in Winnipeg until her return to Caritas Residence in 2009.

2018-06-27T14:17:19+00:00By |0 Comments

Sister Eileen Galvin (Joan Patrice)

Sister Eileen Galvin, SC, (Sister Joan Patrice) of Mt. St. Vincent, Wellesley Hills, on June 14, 2018. A Sister of Charity for 65 years who was missioned in North Sydney, NS and Manchester, NH., locally Dorchester and Needham, Academy of the Assumption and Mount Saint Vincent, Wellesley.

2018-06-19T12:38:52+00:00By |0 Comments

Sister Agnes Burrows (Agnes Christine)

We announce the passing of Sr. Agnes Burrows, a Sister of Charity of Halifax, into new life. During her lengthy illness, she displayed much courage and a positive attitude. She was a great inspiration to us and showed us how we should die. Sister Agnes passed away on Saturday, May 26th, 2018 at the Glace Bay Hospital.

2018-05-28T11:59:23+00:00By |0 Comments
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