Sister Maryanne Ruzzo; Ann Masters and Carol Evans, Associates; and Sister Evelyn Williams
“There is a felt, shared Charity Charism when we gather with this Federation group. We are all about the promotion of the Charity Charism, from vocation awareness, through final profession. We are presently looking at the challenge of these new times, calling us to be open to new ways of re-imaging formation for today’s reality. That means being more intentional about our programs and collaborating with others like the Religious Formation Congress in innovative and exciting ways. We are moving from separate vocation and formation teams to “Federation Formation and Vocation Teams”. We believe in weaving unstoppable Charity in whatever way possible as we live now and into the future as a federation and as Women Religious,” Sisters Maryanne Ruzzo and Evelyn Williams.
From the Sisters of Charity Federation website:
The Company of Charity Formation Personnel (CCFP) met at Bishop Malloy Retreat House in Jamaica Estates, New York. Participants included vocation ministers, formation directors, and associate directors from Sisters of Charity Federation congregations in the United States and Canada. The first day’s agenda included orientation for new members, a presentation by Sister Regina Hlavac, DC, on “The Creation of a Culture of Vocations to the Charism” and panel discussion with young adults; and a presentation by Sister Ellen Dauwer, SC, on the work of the Religious Formation Conference. On Wednesday, Sister Nancy Gerth, SCN, facilitated a discussion on the status of a collaborative formation program for the federation. Sister Grace Hartzog, SC, executive director of the federation, also gave an update. There was also time for prayer and ritual, social interaction, and a visit to New York City and St. Patrick’s Cathedral.