Gratitude in a Time of COVID-19

What makes gratitude so important?  Gratitude is an approach to life which recognizes everything as gift. It is a deeply Christian virtue, a recognition that life in all its aspects is not a right to be claimed but a gift to be received.

2023-07-05T12:29:06+00:00By |Comments Off on Gratitude in a Time of COVID-19

Season of Creation

Every year we familiarly celebrate the seasons of Advent, Lent, and Easter with their rich and reflective liturgies. Now, thanks to our ecumenical sisters and brothers we have been given an opportunity to celebrate a new liturgical season, the Season of Creation.

2020-11-23T19:26:04+00:00By |Comments Off on Season of Creation

Associates Coming to Chapter

We have already been introduced to the first six in our August and September issue of Charity Alive. This month we would love to introduce the others.

2020-11-23T19:30:08+00:00By |Comments Off on Associates Coming to Chapter
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