UN-Water: World Water Day
Information from www.worldwaterday.org
The theme for World Water Day 2019 is ‘Leaving no one behind’. This is an adaptation of the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: as sustainable development progresses, everyone must benefit.
Today, billions of people are still living without safe water – their households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories struggling to survive and thrive.
Marginalized groups – women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples, disabled people and many others – are often overlooked, and sometimes face discrimination, as they try to access and manage the safe water they need.
One Example of How We Are Responding to World Water Day
by Sister Cecilia Hudec
Sister Maryanne Ruzzo and I will be travelling to El Salvador, March 26-April 2nd to visit the four communities in the district of Chalatenango who will benefit from our next water project. The Sisters of Charity will collaborate with SHARE El Salvador and several other groups to bring this project to fruition. Share incorporates five core values into the projects they support: women’s empowerment, citizen participation, leadership development, environmental sustainability, and human rights.
We will meet with two experts on the water crisis in El Salvador, we will travel to the mountains to meet the families and our hope is to walk to the new source of water – a mountain stream which will be tapped to provide fresh potable water for these communities of around 800 people. On Sunday, the 31st, we will celebrate liturgy at 8 am with all the communities and celebrate our new friendship with a cultural fiesta of typical food, music and handmade products.
We will visit the chapel of Divine Providence Hospital where St Oscar Romero was killed and other historic sites. We will also have the opportunity to visit the Sisters from the Congregation of Notre Dame who live and minister in San Salvador before heading back on April 2nd.