We Are Willing. We Are Open.
By Mary Sullivan, Associate
My experience during our recent Assembly was beautifully framed in music, poetry and visual snapshots, beginning with Bernadette Farrell’s Everyday God…”Through all ages come be with us…”
The articles sent in preparation were thought provoking and insightful in exploring the virtue of simplicity, Vincent de Paul’s most cherished virtue.
Our afternoon together offered an opportunity for sharing how we can move deeper into living simply and more lovingly. It was obvious and inspiring that as a group this is our desire. We know there is enough for all, a truth that is foundational to creating peace and justice. Gratitude was flowing like a river…
Questions posed for further thought and prayer centered on what are the most important values in my life and how do I practice these values. Also how do these values espoused by Sisters of Charity show forth in the world? Palmer Parker asks, “Is God enough for you?” There was much to think and pray over after the Assembly ended.
When we acknowledge the interconnectedness of our human family we see the problems of systemic racism, poverty, and the climate crisis as our heart’s work. Knowing that I am not alone in striving for better, deeper living, that I am accompanied by so many Sisters and Associates, is a gift I am grateful for. I look forward to the upcoming contemplative circles. Learning and growing together is our commitment to “deepen our communion with and care for one another, all our sisters and brothers and Mother Earth.”
How appropriate was the closing music from Holly Near…”We are willing, we are open”.